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Sodium Sulfate, also known as sulfate of soda, is an inorganic compound with the formula Na2SO4 as well as several related hydrates.
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The main use is as filler in powdered home laundry detergents. Another major use for Sodium Sulfate, is in the kraft process for the manufacture of wood pulp. The glass industry provides another significant application for Sodium Sulfate, as the second largest application in Europe. Sodium Sulfate is also important in the manufacture of textiles.
Fluorspar, also known as fluorite or calcium fluoride (CaF2), is the calcium salt of hydrofluoric acid and a very widespread mineral that occurs primarily in granites and o...
Natural graphite is crystalline carbon in flake form in metamorphous rocks. Graphite has a high refractoriness and excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. The main a...
Glutaraldehyde is a light yellow liquid and mixes with water. It is a well-known sensitizer among cleaners and health workers. It is also found in X-ray developers’ products.