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Calcined Alumina is a synthetically produced material consisting of aluminum oxide obtained by heating alumina at high temperatures. It is characterized by its high temperature resistance, hardness and chemical resistance. Calcined alumina is often used in the production of abrasives, ceramics, refractory materials and as a filler in the construction industry. Due to its excellent physical properties, it is used in many industrial applications.
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Production of refractory bricks and linings for high-temperature furnaces, crucibles and foundries.
Sodium Silicate Binder consisting of 83% rapid water soluble sodium water glass and 17% water, acid and lye insoluble binder additives. Ankerglas-SN33 and Ankerglas-SN27 ha...
Tabular Alumina is a re-crystalline sintered alpha alumina with high density. It consists of large (50 – 200 µm), flat, table-shaped corundum crystals.
White Fused Alumina (WFA) is a high-purity, white abrasive made from aluminum oxide. It is produced by melting high-quality alumina in an electric arc furnace at very high ...