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Olivine is an iron and magnesium silicate, produced from the raw stone dunite/olivine.
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Slag conditioner in the steel industry; refractory material; sand for icy roads; environmental cleaning of water and stabilization of heavy metals in polluted deposits; binding of CO2; blasting abrasive
During sintering (firing) at temperatures of 1750 – 2000 C° in shaft or rotary kilns naturally occurring magnesium carbonate is converted into sintered magnesia, directly (...
Fluorspar, also known as fluorite or calcium fluoride (CaF2), is the calcium salt of hydrofluoric acid and a very widespread mineral that occurs primarily in granites and o...
Natural graphite is crystalline carbon in flake form in metamorphous rocks. Graphite has a high refractoriness and excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. The main a...